
獲得的 T 型企業 DEI 標章




『好可愛!感覺好溫馨,有了它的陪伴,爸爸媽媽寶寶都可以睡得很安穩』常是第一眼看 CuboAi 寶寶攝影機的印象,也是開發 CuboAi 的初心。

雲云科技是一群平均年齡不到 30 歲的年輕團隊,產品開發理念是讓爸媽可以更自在親密地享受育兒生活,特別重視運用科技解決育兒時的困擾,從痛點觀察、使用者訪談、硬體規劃、軟體 AI 開發與 Home Test 等流程來確保產品品質與實用性。

我們重視的核心價值『Empathy 同理』、『Open Mind 擁抱新思維』、『Agility 敏捷』讓這個來自四面八方的國際團隊更能感同身受爸媽的煩惱進而緊密地機動變換隊形,快速處理世界各地爸媽們的疑慮。我們正全力規劃新的產品與服務,持續往世界級母嬰產品開發的目標努力。

在 CuboAi 最不缺的就是笑聲,寬廣的辦公室裡時不時就響起同仁們開朗的笑聲,CEO 也會不定期爆爆米花巡迴發放,伴著 101 白天傍晚的景色讓人忘記忙碌。

想了解如何透過 User Centric 開發出消費者超高黏著度的產品嗎?加入 CuboAi,讓你的想法與聲音可以發揮與實踐,來認識我們吧。New Journey on!


Vision: Bring health and happiness to every family in the world
Mission: We empower parents to explore their journeys while keeping their babies safe via innovative technology


• 分紅 / 配股:全職員工配股票選擇權
• 優於勞基法特休,努力工作之餘,也要好好規劃休假愛自己&家人
• 生日假
• 文青假
• 寶寶生日假
• 在你的座位上,抬頭就可看到 101 大樓,跨年再也不用去人擠人
• 不定期舉辦部門聚餐、Team Building、Workshop 等活動
• 接觸各領域的專家,參與全球使用的產品/品牌打造


Senior Android Developer

We are looking for an Android developer responsible for the development and maintenance of applications aimed at a vast number of diverse Android devices. Your primary focus will be the development of CuboAi Android applications and their integration with back-end services. You will be working with other engineers and developers working on different layers of the infrastructure. Therefore, commitment to collaborative problem solving, sophisticated design, and creating quality products is essential.

【What will you do】
• Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code
• Design, build, and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable Java/Kotlin code
• Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the application
• Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs in software QA flows
• Help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization
• Maintenance of ERD (engineering requirement document)

ITM 賽道契合指數





Sr. Backend Engineer

At CuboAi, cloud computing continues to allow us to modernize and consolidate AI computing, IT infrastructure, automate workloads, and pursue next-generation innovation. To continue this transformation, we’re looking for an experienced cloud engineer with expertise in the strategy, design, development, and implementation of large-scale projects in the cloud. The ideal candidate is experienced in cloud-based tech, with a firm grasp of emerging technologies, platforms, tools, and applications, and ability to customize them to help our business become more secure and efficient. Extensive knowledge of application design, cloud maintenance, and advanced industry knowledge is key to keeping us on the cutting edge.

【What will you do】
• Develop and implement technical efforts to design, build, and deploy cloud applications at the direction of the team, including large-scale data processing, API server, cloud-based AI computing, and advanced technologies
• Participate in all aspects of the application development life cycle for GCP solutions, including planning, requirements, documentation, development, testing, and quality assurance
• Troubleshoot incidents, identify root cause, fix and document problems, and implement preventive measures
• Educate teams on the implementation of new cloud-based initiatives, providing associated training as required
• Employ exceptional problem-solving skills, with the ability to see and solve issues before they affect business productivity
• Aware of cloud cost and spending every cent on cutting edge

ITM 賽道契合指數



